Hans-Christian Bauer,
Photo Credit: Enok Holsegaard
Hans-Christian Bauer, Product Designer.
Originally from Norway, Copenhagen based designer Hans-Christian Bauer (b. 1980) is a product oriented and versatile designer, striving to make products that show off good proportions and a strong material integrity. His process is driven by a focus on the production methods and material properties of a given material, to ensure a rational production, making sure the products are both accessible and desirable for both consumer and manufacturer.
Hans-Christian holds a Masters degree in Industrial Design and Architecture, from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen (2010). Since his graduation, he has gained experience as a industrial designer and product developer for Kähler, &tradition, Menu, Harrit Sørensen, Norm Architects and Mencke & Vagnby. This has made Hans-Christian used to taking economy and sales points in to consideration from the initial step, and has given him experience with a wide range of materials and production methods.